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Is now the right time to buy property?

Is now the right time to buy property? On Rapid Property Connect FB Page on 16 November there were two articles with differing views on the property outlook for 2018. It’s always at this time of the year i.e. year end or beginning of next year (2018) that Property Outlook seminars or talks will be held to predict the outlook for 2018. Do you remember the outlook predicted for 2017?

Are We About to See a Buyer’s Market or a Rebound in the Market?

Since the start of Year 2017, we see so many conflicting predictions as seen from the many headlines in the local dailies of where the market will be for 2017 and beyond. Depending on whose perspective they are coming from i.e. developers’ or buyer or seller’s, their predictions may seem biased to some. So what do you see of the market? Let’s review the property from a neutral basis based on facts.

The Current State of the Economy Has Far Reaching Effects

WE are indeed living in challenging times. The current fragile Malaysian economy will likely face several more lean years ahead as data continues to show that many households in the country are a vulnerable lot, given the state of their finances In the recent article in Star the following were cited. “To put that into perspective, a study on the financial fragility of urban households in Malaysia has found that only 10.

The Current Loan Tightening Situation Has a Silver Lining

Exciting times will be here soon. Property players – developers and investors alike are now crying out in despair of the credit tightening. In fact, this mortgage crisis is expected to follow suit after a period of booms times. Granted, it all sounds pretty bleak and hurting to some, the current situation will soon be an amazing opportunities for investors ready for the change of scenery. Yes, the real estate cycle is going through some massive changes.

Is Property Really Oversupply in Malaysia?

The oversupply of properties in Malaysia has become one of the most discussed topic in recent days. We could see newspapers, web portals and even some property experts are suggesting that the properties in Malaysia are oversupply especially in some particular sub-sectors. But is it true that the properties in Malaysia really oversupply? Not sure if anyone actually covered this before but it would be worthwhile to take an approach from different perspective.