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The Great KL Room Partitioning Ban: Who’s The Real Loser Here?

TL;DR Kuala Lumpur has banned room partitioning in properties due to concerns about living conditions. The trend emerged from high rental costs in the city, forcing tenants to opt for cheaper, partitioned spaces. While the ban aims to address these subpar living conditions, it doesn’t tackle the root problem: the lack of affordable housing in KL. The debate continues on who suffers more from this ban – landlords or tenants.

Rental Property vs Stocks – The Differences

As of 2021, the most attractive investment out there is certainly stocks. Ever since the outbreak of Covid-19 in March 2020, stocks become the most preferred investment. You don’t need to leave home to invest. All you need it just an internet connection. Does it mean other investment is dead? Now, let’s look into the differences between rental property vs stocks. If you ask me, I’m very tempting to say that stocks is really a good investment.


When it comes to house prices and rent levels, everyone has an opinion. From the conversations in the market or coffee shops or dinners devoted to the subject, it’s surprising how little thought most people dedicate to why things are they way they are – and for evidence to support their assertions about what might happen next. General ideas about “not enough houses”,” greedy developers” and “greedy landlords” are often singled out – and while these play some part, the true picture is a little more complicated.

Tips to Avoid Problem Tenants

A local newspaper has published an article recently about landlords need to vet their tenants and be thorough in the tenancy agreement. As a landlord myself, I couldn’t agree more. Many landlords that I know tend to skip the most crucial step when renting out their property. Unlike overseas, tenants are to be interviewed by letting agents/ landlord themselves prior to decide whether to rent the property to the prospect or not.

2020 – The Year of Affordable Homes and Rental Income?

Affordable housing is not something new. The city hall has plan to build 50,000 affordable homes in federal territory. Based on the information published on RUMAWIP as many as 10,000 affordable homes to be built by year 2020. Most of the properties are to be completed before then. What is RUMAWIP? Rumah Mampu Milik Wilayah Persekutuan (RUMAWIP) is established to outline the direction and to provide a basis for local authorities and developers to design and develop affordable housing.