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Should I Invest in Property Now – YES! (New Opinion)

This question ‘Should I invest in Property Now’; has been asked countless times. Of course, we can’t blame people because the market sentiment is on the lowest since last year. In fact, I personally don’t think the market will recover by year end which I covered in previous blog. You can read about the post - Malaysia Property Market 2021 Set For Year-End Bounce? A Bit Optimistic When the market is not recovering anytime soon, it means we (investors) have more time to get more good deals in the market.

Invest in Thailand Property – 6 Reasons Why

Today, I’m going to share something that’s gotten me excited. What do you think of when Thailand comes to mind? I bet it’s travel and vacation related. But these days, travelling to Thailand is no longer limited to shopping, tourism or relaxation purpose only. The country is now fast growing its economy and inviting expats to make investments in various business segments. The Thai government has always believed in the free and open economy and is acknowledged for its clarity in dealing with foreign investors.

Is Malaysia Property Market Correction Imminent? Here is Why you have to prepare Now!

Based on the 2nd half 2016 property report, it can be seen that the 18-year property cycle is in tandem with current market trend. The latest real estate data indicates that things may no longer be as rosy as some want us to believe. The boom times are changing. I do worry for those who don’t see it coming — but there are still ways to invest sustainably and profitably.

Best Property Investment Location

Where are the best property investment locations? If you have enough experience investing in property, you can make money almost anywhere, but there are always places that are better or worse for property investments. For maximum profits, you want places that have a better demand/supply ratio. You can use the points below to identify the locations. The Demand Does the area have decent job growth? Ideally, you want to see job growth equal to or exceeding population growth.

Time to Buy Low and Hold On

The residential real estate market has pretty much bottomed out and has created a domino effect on the rest of the economy. Look for a full blow recession soon as when the real estate market collapses, so does the rest of the economy. This does not mean that you should not be investing in real estate. Real estate is always a viable investment. A real estate recession is an excuse to buy low and hold on tight until the market rebounds.