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Echoes of 2008: Unraveling the Myths of Malaysia’s Stagnant Property Scene

TL;DR As of Sept 2023, the total approved loan value exceeds RM29B; The loan approval rate for 2023 (Q3) is 56% exceeding property peak in 2013; People are still buying properties with supply for unsold properties reducing; High rise properties with the price below RM600,000 is the most transacted. Since the pandemic outbreak, we still feel that the general market is not fully recovered yet. Many sectors are still feeling the pinch and consumers are feeling the pressure of rising cost of living.

Investment in Knowledge – Really Pays the Best Return

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest a quote by - Benjamin Franklin. Ever since I started my company many years ago, as I was operating in property industry, people always asked me these questions: Should I invest now? What should I invest? Where should I invest? How to invest in property? Is it the right time to invest in property now? Should I buy this project? The above are the typical ‘WH’ questions being asked every time.

Warren Buffett Proven Investment Strategies

Warren Buffett is without doubt the greatest investor of all time. He has a great track record of creating and maintaining his wealth through share investments, but many of his principles also apply to property investors. So let’s look at some of Buffett’s investment principles and see how we can apply them to our property investing. ADHERE TO A PROVEN STRATEGY Buffett’s success has often been put down to his extraordinary patience and discipline, never deviating from his proven investment strategy even when faced with short term changes in the market.

Is It Better To Buy Or Rent?

There is always this argument - To Buy or To Rent. For long term, it is always make more sense to buy a property than to rent due to capital appreciation. Renting will only make your landlord richer! If you are financially able, it is always a good move to own a property. Renting – Advantages enting is not always bad. Renting can have a few advantages depending on the part of the country you live in.

10 Ways To Find Investment Properties

If you really want the best deals in investment properties, you have to increase your odds by finding more deals. Who is more likely to get a cheap apartment building? An investor that looks through the online listings websites and calls it a day, or the one that uses ten resources? Here are the ten: Talk - Let people know you are looking and sometimes the properties will come to you.