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The 4 types of property investor look for

Property investors can generally fall into two categories i.e. a specialist or a generalist. Specialist investors focus on one particular locality – and most have a preference for either houses or flats, for example. In fact, the most successful investors I know buy the exact same type of property over and over again – because that way it’s easiest to get the numbers right and be sure about the demand.

New Opportunities For Malaysian Property Players With China?

At present China’s economy is the world’s second largest behind the United States and ahead of Japan. The modern iteration of the Silk Road is the New Silk Road economic belt and the 21st century Maritime Silk Road – which in the past linked Asia, Europe and Africa The New Silk Road was proposed to sustain this economic growth and development. In high-speed rail, China has now taken its expertise global.

Is Malaysia Property Market Correction Imminent? Here is Why you have to prepare Now!

Based on the 2nd half 2016 property report, it can be seen that the 18-year property cycle is in tandem with current market trend. The latest real estate data indicates that things may no longer be as rosy as some want us to believe. The boom times are changing. I do worry for those who don’t see it coming — but there are still ways to invest sustainably and profitably.

12 Top Tips for Buying Property “Off The Plan/Shelf” From Developers

In Malaysia it is common to buy “Off The Plan/Shelf” from developers when project has yet to start or is under construction. This is because in Malaysia private developers take the lead to ensure the housing starts of the nation are achieved. Buying a property “Off The Plan/Shelf” means buying a new property before the project is completed. It is common to buy off the plan/shelf from developers in Malaysia