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Are You Changing Strategy to Meet Current Market?

We often hear people complaining that there aren’t enough deals right now or no good deals or no takers around. Maybe they’re struggling with how to make money in the current market or maybe the strategy used is wrong in this current market and did not work as well as it did in the previous cycle. That led us to the question: How well do they understand your market? Most real estate markets are localized and geographic, and there can be multiple sub markets.

Warren Buffett Proven Investment Strategies

Warren Buffett is without doubt the greatest investor of all time. He has a great track record of creating and maintaining his wealth through share investments, but many of his principles also apply to property investors. So let’s look at some of Buffett’s investment principles and see how we can apply them to our property investing. ADHERE TO A PROVEN STRATEGY Buffett’s success has often been put down to his extraordinary patience and discipline, never deviating from his proven investment strategy even when faced with short term changes in the market.

6 Tips on Flipping a House

While many people have very specific dreams of enjoying the bountiful profits that can be made from flipping houses, very few people put too terribly much thought into the process or any formulas that might be pertinent to success when it comes to flipping houses as a property investment venture or for the sake of building a nice comfortable lifestyle or retirement. You will hear a lot about the things not to do when it comes to flipping houses but very few people take the time to mention the things you absolutely must do in order to successfully flip a house and make a fortune out of it.

Advantages of Buying Property in a Downturn Market

“Times are bad”, “Now is not the right time to invest”, “Property market is slowing down”, I believed these are the common topic among your peers recently, so am I. The housing price index has fallen to 4.10% in the first quarter (Q1) of 2015, from 7% in the fourth quarter (Q4) in 2014. This is a significant drop. Many property purchasers generally buy a property during a hot market, and avoid purchasing in a downturn market.