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Why is Deflation Worse Than Inflation In Spite of US Printed Trillions of Dollars

We should be worrying deflation more than inflation in spite of US printed trillions of dollars. People always say that inflation is a bad thing especially other countries like Venezuela that is having hyperinflation right now. But why is deflation worst than inflation? Why the opposite? Difference between real economy and financial economy (consumer goods vs financial assets) We need to differentiate the real economy and financial economy, because we could have an inflation in real economy for consumer goods, while a deflation in our financial economy, or vice versa.

The Current State of the Economy Has Far Reaching Effects

WE are indeed living in challenging times. The current fragile Malaysian economy will likely face several more lean years ahead as data continues to show that many households in the country are a vulnerable lot, given the state of their finances In the recent article in Star the following were cited. “To put that into perspective, a study on the financial fragility of urban households in Malaysia has found that only 10.

How Does the Economy Affect the Malaysia Housing Market?

In most countries, real estate represents a significant portion of people’s wealth, an average person has at least one-third of his or her net worth tied up in real estate. The size and scale of the real estate market make an attractive and lucrative sector for many investors. Sky rocketing property prices remain a very common topic among fellow Malaysians for the past few years. But right now, times are bad, will property prices starts to fall or remain stagnant?