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5 Things You Should Know Before Flipping A Property

This week we will look into flipping property. The definition for flipping property by Investopedia as follow: Flipping - A type of real estate investment strategy in which an investor purchases properties with the goal of reselling them for a profit. Profit is generated either through the price appreciation that occurs as a result of a hot housing market and/or from renovations and capital improvements. There is nothing wrong in flipping a property but it has to be done in a correct way.

12 Top Tips for Buying Property “Off The Plan/Shelf” From Developers

In Malaysia it is common to buy “Off The Plan/Shelf” from developers when project has yet to start or is under construction. This is because in Malaysia private developers take the lead to ensure the housing starts of the nation are achieved. Buying a property “Off The Plan/Shelf” means buying a new property before the project is completed. It is common to buy off the plan/shelf from developers in Malaysia