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How to Build a Profitable Property Portfolio

As more and more of us look for better ways to secure our financial future other than investing into stocks, forex and shares or even relying on our retirement funds, interest in purchasing property as an investment asset is increasing. Property Investment is a long term game plans where if carefully invested will bring us massive of returns. Here are some tips that seasoned property investors used in building their property portfolio:

Risk of Investing in Property

In today’s market, there is plenty of investment tools available out there be it shares, forex, bonds, unit trust, REITs etc. There’s no doubt that some investments are subject to higher amounts of risk than others. Historical data shows that stock markets are much more volatile and bonds a lot less reliable compared to property investment. However, many things can go wrong in property investment and the risk is amplified if you leap in without first doing your homework or seeking professional advice and devising a sound strategy and investment plan.

Tough Times Ahead for Malaysia Property Market – the 18-year Property Cycle Forecasted It.

Are you ready to tap into the below-market properties? It has been noted from past data that during the down cycle. The levels of mortgage delinquency are the highest. Should you or could you profit from those struggling with high mortgage stress or financial stress? If a purchaser is experiencing difficulty paying their mortgage for one reason or another – generally retrenchment, emergency funds needed to settle medical bills, divorce; the list goes on, there’s a better than even chance that theyll accept a low-ball price simply they can walk away from the stress and start afresh.

7 Myths About Property Investment

Myths is defined as a widespread but untrue or erroneous story or belief; a widely held misconception; a misrepresentation of the truth. Also: something existing only in myth; a fictitious or imaginary person or thing. We often hear remarks like “Mr. X becomes very rich because he invested in property. He is very lucky to make huge profits from his investment” Majority of the people believe that lucks play a major part whilst other due to analysis paralysis believed that it entails high risks or the timing is not right to invest.