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6 Tips on Flipping a House

While many people have very specific dreams of enjoying the bountiful profits that can be made from flipping houses, very few people put too terribly much thought into the process or any formulas that might be pertinent to success when it comes to flipping houses as a property investment venture or for the sake of building a nice comfortable lifestyle or retirement. You will hear a lot about the things not to do when it comes to flipping houses but very few people take the time to mention the things you absolutely must do in order to successfully flip a house and make a fortune out of it.

When Is The GOOD Time To Flip?

First, let’s get the term right. What is flipping properties? There are generally two types of property investors that are out there in the market. There are those that buy properties with the intention of renting it out at a good yield to get cash flow. These types of investors are called keeper. The other types are the flippers. In essences, flipping is the art of buying and selling a property with the intention of making money from the sale.

Is It Better To Buy Or Rent?

There is always this argument - To Buy or To Rent. For long term, it is always make more sense to buy a property than to rent due to capital appreciation. Renting will only make your landlord richer! If you are financially able, it is always a good move to own a property. Renting – Advantages enting is not always bad. Renting can have a few advantages depending on the part of the country you live in.

Is Property Really Oversupply in Malaysia?

The oversupply of properties in Malaysia has become one of the most discussed topic in recent days. We could see newspapers, web portals and even some property experts are suggesting that the properties in Malaysia are oversupply especially in some particular sub-sectors. But is it true that the properties in Malaysia really oversupply? Not sure if anyone actually covered this before but it would be worthwhile to take an approach from different perspective.

Tips to Avoid Problem Tenants

A local newspaper has published an article recently about landlords need to vet their tenants and be thorough in the tenancy agreement. As a landlord myself, I couldn’t agree more. Many landlords that I know tend to skip the most crucial step when renting out their property. Unlike overseas, tenants are to be interviewed by letting agents/ landlord themselves prior to decide whether to rent the property to the prospect or not.