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The 4 types of property investor look for

Property investors can generally fall into two categories i.e. a specialist or a generalist. Specialist investors focus on one particular locality – and most have a preference for either houses or flats, for example. In fact, the most successful investors I know buy the exact same type of property over and over again – because that way it’s easiest to get the numbers right and be sure about the demand.

Does doubling up property strategy works?

Doubling up - an interesting property investment strategy I’ve seen mentioned in a few different places. The doubling up idea means buying twice as many properties as you want to end up with, then gradually selling off half. The doubling up idea works like this… Let’s imagine you want to end up owning five properties – mortgage free – for your retirement. Instead of starting by buying five and trying to pay the mortgages down, with this doubling up model you’d buy 10 properties and let the mortgages run.

Is There Really A Down Time Of The Year for Real Estate?

I wanted to share some insight and thoughts from a group of property investors and agents on whether or not there is a down time of the year for real estate. I think the question is an interesting one. While market in general may rise or fall, seasoned investors can benefit in any market. Here are some great thoughts to consider: Is There a Real Estate Off-Season? Samuel – By learning everything you can about Real Estate you will flourish, such as foreclosures, creative financing, below market deals, bulk purchase etc.

Has The Housing Bubble Burst Completely or Yet to Burst?

The funny thing about bubbles is that sooner or later they burst. After having survived the 1997 crisis as each of us has watched the housing bubble burst in most parts of the country and deflate everywhere else, we are being told that the worst is over. We can come out of hiding and start to resume normal activity. Hmmmm… I’m not buying it! Consider the charts below, that reflects that housing prices in general still have a way to travel, downward

Are We About to See a Buyer’s Market or a Rebound in the Market?

Since the start of Year 2017, we see so many conflicting predictions as seen from the many headlines in the local dailies of where the market will be for 2017 and beyond. Depending on whose perspective they are coming from i.e. developers’ or buyer or seller’s, their predictions may seem biased to some. So what do you see of the market? Let’s review the property from a neutral basis based on facts.