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Malaysia Property Market 2021 Set For Year-End Bounce? A Bit Optimistic

Exactly two days ago, The Star released a news article on Malaysia property market 2021 is set for year end bounce, which I personally think that it is a little bit optimistic. I’ve been talking about this for the longest time that property is the biggest ticket item to purchase in their lives in majority of people. Thus, financing is inevitable. And in fact, it is a norm to get financing from the banks.

How Covid-19 Pandemic Impact on Property Market in Malaysia 2021 – 2023

This could be the only time that I experienced a pandemic. And I really hope that this is the last. A disease outbreak is not common at global scale. The most we have seen is regional such as SARS outbreak in 2002. When it comes to pandemic outbreak, I would say that most world leaders never seen it or experience first hand. Thus, this explains why we are having hard time to fight against the Covid-19 virus.

What is Fractional Ownership – Relationship Between Aircraft and Property

This is something rather interesting as how is it possible for aircraft to have any relationship with real estate? First we have to understand what is fractional ownership. By definition, it means you get to own partial of any property by purchasing a number of shares offered by a company. The history of fractional ownership as described in Wikipedia as follow; The term fractional ownership originally became popular for business jets.

Real Estate Vocabulary – Jargon You Need to Know in Property

In any other industry, there will be jargon that only people that work within particular industry would know. Here I would like to share the common jargon in real estate (property). Depending on where you are, real estate and property are interchangeable. So there you go, the very first jargon is property. It is technically the same meaning as real estate but the ‘real estate’ is more specific to land or building while property can be more than just land or buildings.

How To Calculate ROI On Rental Property

How the wealthy grow their wealth is through investment. The wealthy also well aware that by saving alone won’t reach their financial goal. The topic about investment is very broad. Though the definition for investment in Google search return as the action or process of investing money for profit. I can only partially agree with this definition as investment can be in the form of time, money, effort, knowledge etc. However, when it comes to an investment that related to money, has to be measurable.