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12 Top Tips for Buying Property “Off The Plan/Shelf” From Developers

In Malaysia it is common to buy “Off The Plan/Shelf” from developers when project has yet to start or is under construction. This is because in Malaysia private developers take the lead to ensure the housing starts of the nation are achieved. Buying a property “Off The Plan/Shelf” means buying a new property before the project is completed. It is common to buy off the plan/shelf from developers in Malaysia

The Top Home Buying Mistakes To Avoid

Buying a first home can be a daunting thing. You’re entering into unknown waters and trying to triumph and come out a winner while grappling with your hopes and limitations Having worked in the housing development industries for decades and from observations, the following are the top common mistakes made by buyers and how you can overcome them. Buying a property without financial planning – Over budgeting A lot of buyers fall into this trap of buying a property that they can hardly afford financially.