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Buying Under Market Value

As the economic ambiguity, economic pressure and doom and gloom outlook brings an increased number of sellers into the property market, we have started to see more and more of “below market value” property listings. When you manage to find a seller who is looking for a quick sale on his/ her properties, there is a an opportunity to negotiate for a good price from the seller. But first, you have to understand, why do people sell property below market value?

8 Common Mistakes Made by Property Investors

When it comes to property investment, there’s loads of information available through the website about what investors should do in order to ensure a profitable investment. Many investors begin with the intention of making it big in real estate but only a handful will get past their first investment and even less will create real wealth by climbing to the top of the property ladder. There are plenty ways to build wealth by creating a profitable real estate portfolio and you will need to go through lots of learning and it will require lots of patience, research, time and hard work!

Tough Times Ahead for Malaysia Property Market – the 18-year Property Cycle Forecasted It.

Are you ready to tap into the below-market properties? It has been noted from past data that during the down cycle. The levels of mortgage delinquency are the highest. Should you or could you profit from those struggling with high mortgage stress or financial stress? If a purchaser is experiencing difficulty paying their mortgage for one reason or another – generally retrenchment, emergency funds needed to settle medical bills, divorce; the list goes on, there’s a better than even chance that theyll accept a low-ball price simply they can walk away from the stress and start afresh.

To Flip Or To Hold – Which is Better?

In order to outline the implications of the flip or hold decision, one must understand the issues inherent to each of the transaction strategies. The question of whether to buy and flip or buy and hold is better real estate investment strategy does not have one correct answer. Rather, the decision to choose one strategy over another should be part of an explicit strategy that takes the investors overall investment goals, as well as the opportunities in the existing market, into account.

The 18-Year Property Cycle – Malaysia Property Prices Will Hold Till 2016!

Based on the extract from The Star below recently: Weak market seen for the rest of the year- Saturday, 4 July 2015 By Thean Lee Cheng Prices remain: Even when the conditions are weak – as in the current market – the residential market is stable because of the large pool of owners, says Fernandez. But prices of residential likely to be resilient THE property market is expected to continue to be weak for the next six months, with some activities expected after the Hari Raya period, according to a real estate personnel.