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What is Your Long Term Financial Goal?

Anyone who has ever set a goal for themselves knows how difficult it can be to achieve the goals they have set. Financial freedom is no exception. It may seem like the journey to achieving financial independence is a linear and short one, but in reality, it takes years of dedication and hard work. Thus, financial goal is set over a long term. Financial experts agree that a traditional retirement age of 50 is unrealistic for many nations.

How To Calculate ROI On Rental Property

How the wealthy grow their wealth is through investment. The wealthy also well aware that by saving alone won’t reach their financial goal. The topic about investment is very broad. Though the definition for investment in Google search return as the action or process of investing money for profit. I can only partially agree with this definition as investment can be in the form of time, money, effort, knowledge etc. However, when it comes to an investment that related to money, has to be measurable.

The Advantages of Credit Card – Why We Should Use Credit Card Instead of Debit Card

I still remember my very first credit card was actually a supplementary card from my sister. The credit limit at the time was only RM1,000. That was somewhere in 2003. It was long time ago. Indeed. After using credit card for almost two decades, I realised that there are many advantages to the credit card. First, credit card builds you credit score and debit cards don’t. The better the credit score, the easier for you to buy a car or a house in the future.

Why is Deflation Worse Than Inflation In Spite of US Printed Trillions of Dollars

We should be worrying deflation more than inflation in spite of US printed trillions of dollars. People always say that inflation is a bad thing especially other countries like Venezuela that is having hyperinflation right now. But why is deflation worst than inflation? Why the opposite? Difference between real economy and financial economy (consumer goods vs financial assets) We need to differentiate the real economy and financial economy, because we could have an inflation in real economy for consumer goods, while a deflation in our financial economy, or vice versa.

How Much Salary To Buy a House in Malaysia

Many didn’t realised that we can actually find out how much we need to earn in order to buy property in Malaysia. In fact, how much salary to buy a house in Malaysia anyway? This is going to be the most straightforward article that I’ve ever written. The reason is because it involves calculations. The question of How Much Salary To Buy a House in Malaysia is not about how much you are making every month, but rather how much you can get financing from the banks based on your monthly income.